About us
Karbolit JSC, a subsidiary company of Metafrax Chemicals PJSC, is an industrial park of brownfield type located in Orekhovo-Zuyevo (Moscow region).
The site of the Karbolit industrial park specializes in accommodation of production and warehousing facilities. We are ready to consider enterprises of any form of ownership and industriy as potential residents. The exceptions are pharmaceutical and food companies. More than 30 residents are already working within the territory of our park. The types of production include chemical, production of construction and finishing materials, production of polymers, furniture and sanitary wares, repair of tire products, production of consumer goods.
Our advantages
- The territory area is 53 ha
- Convenient transport junction: 8 km to the M7 Moscow-Kazan highway, 2 km to the A108 highway, 500 meters to the Central Ring Road junction
- The park has a railway infrastructure - railway lines and a dead end track. There is a junction to the Potochino and Orekhovo-Zuevo railway stations
- We have our own boiler house with a capacity of 17.4 MW, own sources of confined ground water with a limit of 2 619.93 thousand cubic meters per year, process steam, free capacities for connection to electrical energy (up to 1.5 MW) and other engineering infrastructures
- The sanitary protection area is up to 300 m
- We can offer construction of warehousing and production facilities for the customer according to the "build-to-suit" format
- The park has 24-hour security and video surveillance as well as access control arrangement. Convenient entry and passage to the territory is organized for the workers
- There is a comfortable business center, free parking for employees, free parking and a resting area for truck drivers as well as a cafeteria

Maksim Batuyev
Managing Director
Konstantin Varenkin
Deputy General Director – Technical Director
Products & services
We render the following services
- Providing of production, storage, and office facilities, land plots
- Utilities providing company for heating supply, water supply, and wastewater disposal
- Logistic services: warehousing, repacking, safekeeping, 3PL storage, fork-type loaders operation, check weighing at railweight units and autoscales, miscellaneous logistic services
- General contracting services for construction and maintenance of buildings and structures
- Operational services: power-consuming equipment and utility networks maintenance and operation, small maintenance
- Built-to-suit services, buildings construction according to customer’s requirements, only the further rent is paid
- Miscellaneous service

We are specialized in production companies arrangement, providing of warehouse capabilities, as well as repacking of commodity stocks and supplies according to the “railway-auto”, “auto-auto” formats, including “Regional warehouse” format upon your request. We are open for any industrial sectors, except for the pharmaceutical and food industries.
JSC Metafrax Chemicals
Metadynea, LLC
Factory MR Wood
SloSan, LLC
Fenoplast, LLC
Vazaplast, LLC
Vacuumtech, LLC
Ekodom, LLC
Tekhnika Transporta, LLC
Sitrona-Polimer, LLC
Cupper Company
Information disclosure
Importnant information
According to Article 30 of Federal Law No. 39-ФЗ dd. 22.04.1996 «Concerning the Securities Market» that is provided for issuer of securities in terms of which securities prospectus was registered and according to Order No. 73-12-63/ПЗ-И dd. 20.01.2012 of the RO FSFR of Russia in Central Federal District, JSC Karbolit is free from its obligation for information disclosure in form of Quarterly Report.
Page address in information and telecommunication network Internet where the additional information regarding JSC Karbolit corporate activity is disclosed
Copies of documents are provided to the Company securities owners and to other involved persons at their request in return for a fee within 7 days from the date of provision of the relevant written query.
Cost of copy of one document sheet is RUB 6.15 including 18% VAT.
The expenses for document copies are paid based on an issued invoice under the following details:
INN 5034050168
KPP 503401001
PJSC Sberbank, Moscow
Bank account 40702810940310100074 in Orekhovo-Zuevo Branch of Sberbank No. 1556/078, Orekhovo-Zuevo
Correspondent account 30101810400000000225
Payee's bank is PJSC Sberbank, Moscow
BIC 044525225
JSC Karbolit Articles of Agreement
DocumentJSC Karbolit Regulation of Board of Directors
DocumentJSC Karbolit Regulation of Group for Internal Revision
DocumentJSC Karbolit Regulation of General Shareholders Meeting
DocumentJSC Karbolit Personal Data Processing Policy
DocumentCompany card
DocumentPermit of employees of work contractors for performance of construction and installation works
DocumentNotification of the results of the exercise of the pre-emptive right by shareholders
DocumentPolicy (strategy) of JSC "Karbolit" in the field of labor protection
DocumentRegulations on compliance by employees of contractors with the requirements for labor protection, industrial, fire and environmental safety on the territory of JSC Karbolit
DocumentStatement on the policy of JSC "Karbolit" in the field of industrial safety and Order on approval of the Policy dated 11/29/2021 No. 2911-01
DocumentСообщение о проведении годового Общего собрания акционеров АО «Карболит»
ДокументОтчёт об итогах голосования на общем собрании акционеров АО «Карболит», 28.06.2024
The information is posted in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 108 dated 26.01.2023 "On Information Disclosure Standards in the field of water supply and sanitation", as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 24 dated January 21, 2004 "On Approval of Information Disclosure Standards by Subjects of Wholesale and Retail Electric Energy Markets" (with amendments and additions).
Water drainage
Water drainage
ArchiveOrder No. 324-R dd. 18.12.2020 on the rate for the transportation of waste water for 2021
DocumentOrder No. 242-R of 09.12.2021 on tariffs for water supply and sanitation for 2022
DocumentOrder No. 297-R of 12/20/2021 for the transportation of wastewater for 2022
DocumentРаспоряжение № 180-Р от 17.11.2022 "Об установлении долгосрочных параметров и тарифов в сфере водоснабжения и водоотведения на 2023-2027 годы"
DocumentРаспоряжение №227-Р от 30.11.2023 на тарифы на водоснабжение и водоотведение на 2024 год
ДокументWater supply
Water supply
ArchieveOrder No. 323-R dd. 18.12.2020 on rates for water supply and drainage for 2021
DocumentOrder No. 242-R of 09.12.2021 on tariffs for water supply and sanitation for 2022
DocumentРаспоряжение № 180-Р от 17.11.2022 "Об установлении долгосрочных параметров и тарифов в сфере водоснабжения и водоотведения на 2023-2027 годы"
ДокументРаспоряжение №227-Р от 30.11.2023 на тарифы на водоснабжение и водоотведение на 2024 год
ДокументTechnological connection to water supply and sanitation systems
Форма заявления о заключении договора о подключении (технологическом присоединении) к системе ВС и ВО
ДокументПеречень документов, предоставляемых с заявлением о заключении договора о подключении
ДокументРеквизиты нормативных правовых актов
ДокументКонтактные данные
ДокументHeat supply
Heat supply
ArchieveElectric power transmission
Contact us
Karbolit Metafrax Group
Address: Russia, Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Dzerzhinskogo Str., 34